You are the captain of this ship, and it’s our privilege to come alongside you to help navigate the waters.
Please inquire regarding pricing.
Anchored Package
-Pregnancy & Birth Support, Most Popular-
One free consultation (in person or via phone/Zoom)
Up to two prenatal visits
Unlimited support via phone, text, & email throughout pregnancy
Access to lending library of resources.
On-call service beginning at 38 weeks
Continuous support during active labor at home (if desired) and birthplace
1-2 hours immediate postpartum & breastfeeding support
1 postpartum visit
6 weeks of postpartum support via phone, text & email
All Aboard Package
-Birth Doula + Photography-
This package is everything the Anchored package includes, PLUS the following photography additions:
Birth photography
The rights to all the quality photos taken and edited
Please note that when combining birth photography AND doula services, we are doulas first. Serving as a doula AND photographer is a delicate balancing act, but one we enjoy. *Katy currently offers the Anchored and All Aboard packages only.
Voyage Package
-Birth Doula + Photography + Wellness, Best Value-
This package is everything the All Aboard Package includes, PLUS the following additions:
Three personal training sessions in-office (office has gym space)
A postpartum belly binding session (along with the bind)
A postpartum wellness plan
Newborn lifestyle family photography session after baby is born
Please note that when combining birth photography AND doula services, I am a doula first. Serving as a doula AND photographer is a delicate balancing act, but one I enjoy.
Mainsail Package
-Birth Doula Only-
This package is for those who only desire support during birth. It’s ideal for those who have already given birth before, are educated in their choices and birth vision, and desire that physical presence of a doula during birth. *Not available for first-time parents.
One free phone consultation
On-call service beginning at 38 weeks until birth
Continuous labor and birth support